
How to run Stockfish BenchMark on PCs (it’s strongly recommended):
1.Download ‘StockfishBench
2.Open Arena GUI
3.Click PGN-Window (click over the fen position)
4.Choose your engine (Engine’s folder contains 7 Stockfish versions, for Windows and Linux too)
Note: There is also ’128Threads’ folder, which contains Stockfish 14031812 up to 128 threads
So, you can bench Stockfish 14031812 (if your hardware does not support Stockfish 13111907)
* Otherwise, please do not run a bench with Stockfish 14031812, For more details: please see here
5.Click Ctrl+1 and set the number of the Cores (alternative way: right click over the engine options)
6.Click Ctrl+Z (or from the Game window you can press Move Now)
7.Be patient please, Stockfish (on fast hardwares) will play approx. in 3 minutes to ‘Qg4‘
8.You need to take a screenshot, just after when Stockfish engine is played to ‘Qg4‘
*The screenshot bench’s picture should be look like this example
9.Send your bench with full info (Screenshot/User Name/Processor/Number of Cores) to E-Mail
*Real name is not required, benchmarks as ‘Anonymous‘ are also acceptable
*Another alternative way: you can post your screenshot on Talkchess or RybkaChess forums
How to run Stockfish benchmark on Smartphones:
1)Download DroidFish Chess:
2)From DroidFish ‘Settings‘ configure:hashtable to 512 MB/ threads/ set time control to 120 Min
3)Click ‘Edit Board‘ and set the below moves:
1. e4 e6 2. d4 d5 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bg5 Be7 5. e5 Nfd7 6. h4 O-O
4)Click ‘Ok‘ and from the main chess table click ‘M‘ button and select Play Black
*Be patient please, Stokfish DD will start to think and will play to Qg4 (in 3-4 minutes)
5)After approx.60 sec of calculating…you need to screenshot or note the kns values
*Because after playing to Qg4, Stockfish does not report any records (kns values)

More Details:
•BIG thanks to all chess friends who have sent me benchmarks so far
•For a better and higher kN/s performance:
-Restart your computer (before starting your Stockfish 13111907 Benchmark)
-During benchmarking (Stockfish’s thinking process) don’t click with mouse,type…
•Download ScreenHunter 6.0 (or any other capture software):
•Here are some main influences, which can affect Stockfish Bench kN/s values:
-Processor speed
-Memory MHz speed
-Virus, Spyware, Malware…
-Hardware Overclocking Stability
-Operating System

In case of unbelievable, unusual bench results, e.g 5%-10% more than expected
Then there is  one way to be published your Stockfish chess benchmark results
*Only in case if you send me:
-LIVE bench video (inc. live processor details+bios live that hyper threading is disabled)
 Thanks for your understanding!
•For more information please feel free to Contact Me